
Holiday Is Going To End

"Curryegg, where are you lately? You seem to be busy and rarely update your blog"

That is one of the respond I received from my readers. First of all, thank for keep on checking out my blog no matter how infrequent my blog post might be. Of course, I have good reason for this.

Ever since the first day of my semester break, I am packed with tight schedule starting from meeting my long-lost-friends, dating, traveling, activities, lazying and etc. Seriously, I love my holiday so much that I don't want it to end so soon.

Unfortunately, today is my last day of my holiday and it is time for me to let go of my "fun" time. I'm going to have my first class tomorrow!!!


Can I just stop my time and enjoy another few more months? Lol.. this is too much I guess. Whatever it is, there is always another semester break and I shall organize my holiday even better than this one.

At the same time, I shall announce that Curryegg might not be as active as this month when it comes to blogging, traveling and lazying. Sobb..... Wait, who knows I might even blog more compare to now? Haha.. God knows the best.

No matter how, I will keep on enjoying my 2008 as far as I can since there only 2 days left. Yes I will and I am enjoying my days with my lovely sisters. So far, we had the most craziest time ever and I shall share with you in my coming post.

I just love my life in 2008 so much.
How about you?