You guys are rock!
When I first receive the news from Rei, my heart went dup-dap-dup-dap. It beated really fast and my curious mind keep on asking the same question, "Is it real?"
Nothing is as excited as being nominated as the most popular blog in Bloggerunited. Yes. Seriously, I'm excited even till now. I guess it is most probably because of the interview session which Rei suggested and he is running it right now. Wuuoooott!!!
That's mean I'm being interviewed in Bloggerunited and it's absolutely fantastic! Lolx.. Control yourself, will ya?
*pinching my cheeks*
I'm in relax mode. Fuhh.....
So this is how it looks like.. I mean the interview session.. haha.. :D
So far, half of the interviews between Rei and three of us, Franz, Sheylara and me have been done. There will be another 2 sessions coming up next. While waiting for the next session, I would love to share my fist half of my interview with you. Uhh.. I just can't wait to share it immediately. Lolx...
Rei, hope you don't mind for copying the interview here.. :P
My Very First Interview With Bloggerunited. (link)
| Tell us a bit about yourself, where you from and what you do? | |
| First of all, I guess some of you might be curious that why I choose Curryegg as my name in blogosphere. To shorten the story, it was my nickname which I got it from my classmates back in high school. It had been years I never heard of this calling ever since I graduated until recently, I use it for my blog link. So, here you go - the Curryegg blogger.. *giggles* So back to our question. Where are we? Emm.. Oh ya. Currently I am still a student, majoring in Psychology in one of the local university in Malaysia. Psychology is a fun subject and I love it. |
| How long have you been involved in blogging. Is there any good experiences happened to you related to blogging? | |
| So far, it has been nearly two years ever since I started blogging. Seriously, being a blogger has changed my world - from a nerdy girl who had been sinking herself in academic books to an active girl who enjoys expressing herself in the blogosphere in whatever way. Besides, I have made a bunch of good friends in the blogosphere in these two years of blogging. We read and comment each other blogs which unconsciously make us feel close. Some of us even met up in some blogger gatherings. I shall thank Nuffnang, one of the biggest Malaysia advertising company which never fails in organizing event for the bloggers. It allows me to interact with other bloggers during in the events. Thank.. :) Last but not least, blogging allows me to enchance my creativity over my writing, photography and video editing skills. This is something I hardly get from my school or college. |
| Creative, positive and friendly. Creative, positive and friendly..I have to memorize I've been reading your blog...yea you seems very active and outgoing, with your Halloween party, Nuffnang events, you are in every spotlights :). So..back to the question, since you mentioned Nuffnang..what do you think of 'Blogging For Money'? | |
| Haha.. Well Rei, you don't have to remember that. Just remember Curryegg, will do.. Lolx... Talking about 'Blogging For Money', seriously, I do wish to make some extra income from my blog. Sadly, it doesn't happen till now. I guess, I haven't master the skill yet. Haha.. Anyway, I'm still enjoying myself even without ads like Nuffnang and Adsense because my main objective in blogging is to share my feeling, opinion and passion with readers. I love writing ever since I was a kids and I did keep a series of diary. Well, it is so yesterday and I am no longer writing in the old-fashion book. So, here I am in the blogville.. *wink* |
| Talking about money...if you have 1 million by now, what would you do with the money? | |
| Lol.. Do I sound like a money maker? Haha.. How I hope so... :P |
| You said blogging has changed you so much and sparked your creativity, and 2 years blogging is quite long time. Would you share with us 3 tips to achieve that consistency, I mean..I started blog way back in 2001, but gave up just after 1 post :). | |
| Yes. Blogging did boost up my creativity especially in writing, photography, communicating and etc. It happens naturally. Believe it or not, it does help in my class assignment. *smile broadly* Talking about tips in achieving consistency in blogging, I am not sure whether my tips will help or not. So far, I believe in doing things that we love. Should I name this as passion? When we have the passion, indirectly we will have the motivation to blog. So pick those topics that you love and blog them. Or else, you will never enjoy the fun of blogging. Besides, receiving and appreciating comments from the readers does motivate me to continue blogging. Comments or responses from the others make me feel more alive and I don't know why. Haha.. So I guess, having a good relationship between the writer and reader will improve the consistency in blogging. Lastly, allow yourself to rest or go for a trip whenever you are facing writer's block. I believe we all face this problem some times.. Right? Therefore, there is no point forcing yourself to write when there is nothing to be shared. When the mind is ready, you know you will start rocking the blogosphere again! :) |
Oh my.
I am really honoured. Can't wait for the next questions..
Thank you again for brighting my day. Right now, I am motivated to blog even more quality posts for you, my readers.. :)
Thank for everything from you..
I guess some of you must be wondering what is this Bloggerunited? Well, it is a website for bloggers to widen their social networking and to gain some popularity for both blogger and blog. Popularity is based on how often you sign in to the website and how much clicks you gain to your latest blog post link. Easy as it sounds. That's why I love Bloggerunited.. :)
Be my friends in Bloggerunited, will ya?