
Chihuahua Kissed Me!

A Chihuahua Kissed me!
In fact, I should say that he licked me.


It is not that being licked by a dog is disgusting. No. Not for a cute, small-in-size yet gorgeous chihuahua like him - Dolly. It is just that I had never been licked by any animal in my life on my FACE! Not even my LIPS! So, I obviously, was nervous.


Well, look like my first 'animal kiss' has been grabbed by this baby Dolly. Lol. Anyway, it is OK because it feels good. Haha.. Can I have another kiss? In addition, he is clean and smell good. Most importantly, he is freaky cute!! Just look at his watery eyes and straight ears. And his size too!

He is so small and I feel like putting him into my handbag. Then ran away, as far as I can. Haha.. Well, I can't because that was my cousin's dog. I might be slice into egg pieces if I do that. AnyhowI should really thanks my cousin for letting me playing with Dolly and all those photography moment in this afternoon. I have a great time in aunt's house. Yeah! I just so love my holiday..


Look at him again. Dolly is just simply adorable.
Just look at how he sleeps. Oh my.. Oh my...

Mum and I have straight away fallen in love with Dolly and wish to rare one too. He has reminded me about my first dog, Mandy (a chihuahua too given by my cousin) which died in a road accident. Sigh... small size dog sometimes is more risky in meeting an accident.

Well, I don't mind give another try on Chihuahua. Maybe in another few years when I have my own house? :)

See these photos again! I really can't stop myself now. I am officially an obsessed-chihuahua-eggie!!!!!

So, anyone of you has this experience raring a Chihuahua? Maybe you can share your story with me? I would love to hear... please.. ;D