
An Effort Exchanged A Smile

When I was young, I wish to have a grandfather.


I wish that he will play with me, buy me candy, hug and throw me in the air, then of course catches me, safe me when I’m being beaten, pat me to sleep and hear me squeaking.


But then, I never had a grandfather. Unfortunately. I mean, I do have but they left before I could speak ‘gong gong’ (means grandpa in Chinese). For all this while, I have this perception that grandpa must be looking like Santa Clause or ‘Chai Sen Yeh’ ( Chinese’s God of wealth) which now to think about it is kinda ridiculous. Or.. maybe he looks like Albert Einstein? Lol.


eggie9 This has reminded me of my play on chicken eggs. Link.


Guess God must have heard my little secret and borrow me Calv’s grandpa where I could make and give birthday present to him, for a grandpa. It is just a simple card and I never expect for any return.



There are Chinese characters which wrongly written. Forgive a banana who doesn’t know the right way to copy write >.<


Well, I received return and it’s a very warm and happy smile from him. The moment is so wonderful and even after 2 months, I am still  happy with what I’ve done for gong gong. I feel lucky =)


Do you ever have the chance to play with your grandfather?
What are the experiences that your grandfather gives you?


I am curious to know.