This conversation took place when my coursemates and I were preparing to leave the light rail transit (LRT) during our journey back home.
Me: June, can you please help us to snap a picture? * handling my camera to her*
June: Hahahahahaha….. *laughing*
Me: Uhh? why dear? *confused*
June: Hahahahahahah…. *laughing while holding my camera*
Shan: OOOOooooiiii!!! Faster la… reach oledi.. *in a very loud voice*
Me & ily : O_____________O!!!!
June: Kakakakakakaakakzz… *trying to turn her laughter into giggles*
June: kekekkekekekekekekekekekekezz.. *giggles*
June: emf..emf..emf…emf… *giggles*
June: hehehehehehehe… *giggles*
June: ahhahahaha…. *giggles*
Till now.. I still don’t understand why she was laughing and giggling all the way? Lol.. (ketawa kuat-kuat). Is taking picture at the train funny or we look funny?
Anyway, this is us – 5 of us.
From the right: Me, Letchu, Ily, June & Shan
What a day which are full of laughter and craziness.. A day which you will never forget, like seriously serious. HAHAHAHAHA…..
Ok. Why now I am laughing?