
Stop Searching For Breasts Plz.

Most of the time, I wonder why my blog received so many Google searches which are related to eemmm… Boobs?

Majority of the searches shown in my Nuffnang Analytics  have something to do with boobs, Malaysia boobs, breasts of women without bra, breasts not covered or even small breasts.

Last month result (June)

Well, it is not a big surprise to me seriously because ever since I started posted about ‘Men’s Pushup Underwear Vs Woman’s Pushup Bra’ and ‘Why Guys ‘Ham Sap” like 3 years ago, similar keywords are stated almost everyday in my traffic graph.


I can’t believe what my eyes see. A brand new keyword which I’ve yet to see.
 graph2 Todays result (30 July 2010)
Freedom breasts?
Eeerrrr… What happen ar??? =_=

P/s: I wonder what does that mean? Breasts that have wings?