
Some Sweet Story

Some thing’s for you, and for me to remind us what is really important in life, we can all be successful, in whatever we choose to do in our lives, if we put our hearts, and minds into the tasks, and work relentlessly, in order to achieve, and in order to succeed. We don’t have to separate Deen and Dunya; we can be incredibly excellent, at both, if we set our mind to it, we should remember to celebrate our religion, to understand, how it leads us, to be great human beings, we should remember to appreciate Allah’s, blessings which rain down us countless times each day, remember to smile, as the sun warms your skin, give thanks, as you walk past the sweet smelling rose bush, Say Salaam to your sweet sisters in Islam. Remember why we are here.

Beauty lies within, Intellect is our most outstanding treasure, Islam is our special gift, and Allah is our splendid Saviour. The world is Ok. Life’s, good, Summers here, so sweetheart

Smile with me.

Naz <3