
Eeerrgghh… GONE!




I have been spending time for almost 2-3 hours, writing my thoughts and feeling out and puff…. the window closed. Then, when I re-open the window, I realized that my data was not been saved [like what it has promised: saved automatically].


What the egg!

All my hardwork gone. GONE!


Great. This was not my first time and I dare not image how my life would be when this thing happen to me again. I am using  Windows Live Writer lately to update my blog post and it was doing pretty well for the past few months but not for now until now. My data was unsaved although I’ve already click the button for several times, making sure that history will not happen again. Still, disappointment kick my gay-ness away.



I guess the post is too long and the window just couldn’t stand me ‘mumbling’ so much in words. It is asking me to ‘shut up’ and ‘go to bed’.


Ok. I got the message. I should just hit the bed, slip into my warm blanket and start snoring. Better meet my prince charming who rides white horse in the 'wonderland’ than throwing anger and dissatisfaction in this page.


Poor you for having to read this negative post in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Well, blame Windows Live Writer.. hmpm.


Nighty night.