
Update-Mum,UAE,Marriage?Part 1


(Perfumes over boys anyday :)
Heey Everyonee

Salaamz so my mum came back from the UAE and i got to go home, and i got my bedroom back and my life back and my bed back and my lil bro has grown soo much (hes nearly one years old) and hes sorta learning to stand on his own mashallah, anyways these couple of days have been eventful due to my mum coming back, my auntie going to get her kids back from Africa, my uncle getting married, SNOW allowing schools to close thank god, and my mum came bearing gifts the ones below were for me

!) Elizabeth Arden Perfume set (pictured above)

2) some beautiful Abayahs
£) Soma beautiful dresses

4) gold set (including necklace with my name on it) and my sis was mad she didnt get one but my mum was like " i didnt see one with YOUR name on it, how can i not buy something with my daughters name it literally" LOL
and i also got an interesting marriage proposal and i dont know what to think, so ill post about it in great detail next time when its not 11pm and im not tired as hell
!-Guy is good looking, kind has good job therefore covers income etc Muslim but i dont knw if i want to get married and other factors etc


in my next post part two ill recall our conversations and my answer hopefully (cant do the answer part yet as i dont know myself)