
Fashion Show By The Deaf

What is in your mind right now when you read the word 'deaf'?
The world of silence? No sound? No music?
Can't speak?

Honestly, I can't imagine my life without any sound nor not able to speak. Being a girl who love music ever since she was a kid, I just can't imagine what will happen if God takes away my ability to hear. That's why, I'm so proud of my deaf friends who have strong determination in fighting for whatever they desire. They are tough!

I love mixing with the deaf. They are nice and friendly when you know how to communicate with them.

And lately, I am quite active with the activity organized by the RC Deaf Mission (an organization helping the deaf). I'd joined a few of their events and today, I should say is my fun day! RC Deaf Mission was actually being invited by the Sunway Pyramid to make an exhibition there for 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Well, the sales for greeting cards, calender, painting and art work were kinda slow but the atmosphere was great!

The great thing is, the female deaf were asked to perform on the stage, doing their fashion show. Oh my... they look amazing! They look like real professional models!!!!


Ahhwwwwwww.... MAC and Cut Above are so kind, volunteered to help the models for the make-up and hair-do.

Oh my... You gotta check these out!
Batik time!!!!!

Dino explaining the meaning of the batik and others artwork

Greeting cards.
Psst.. I love this silk batik! Eeerrr... I want it!!!

The latest 2009 calender made by the deaf. I swear, it's beautiful and worth to be kept! They are really talented and that's make me admire them even more... :D

And the four beautiful models... XD

Frankly, they no nothing about cat-walk but they have done a great-good-job while on the stage. They learned the walks on the spot without rhythms nor background music on their mind. That's what make the fashion show engaging.. :D

Who is he?
He's Lim Anuar, the artist who creates all the batik work. Brilliant!

Dino trying to promote the RC Deaf Mission T-shirt to the audience. It's call the 'Sign With Me' T-shirt... Well, I have it!!!

Next, photography session and how could I miss it? Oh my... they really look like models.. Coooolll!!!! :D

Group photos!
I love this photo a lot!

You might be wondering, what is my work during in the Deaf Art Expose 2. Well, come closer... let me tell you about my job.. But shhh.... make sure you can keep secret and don't let other know. Promise? :P

I work in my own booth, drawing and selling my art work. It's hard but I enjoy the work. I never know I've art talent until today. Wow! I'm a genius!

Someone caught me...

Gosh! How did you know that the booth wasn't mine? Eeerr.... Pecah rahsia pula. Sigh... Ok ok. I confess. The booth isn't mine and including all the art works. It's Lim Anuar's booth actually... :(

He was the one who actually took the pictures of me, sitting and pretending as I am the artist. Naughty him. Haha.. Lim Anuar is a very talented artist and unbelievably, he was one of the student from Lim Kok Wing University and now he is working in the institution. Wow...

Tomorrow (21th September 2008) will be the last day for the Deaf Art Expose 2 and there will be fashion show at 3pm in the LG floor, Old Wing. If you are interested and stay nearby, do come and have a look at their work. They will be happy to see you there.. :D

By the way, there will be other fashion shows done by the professional models tomorrow and do check them out.

Can't wait to meet them again.
Wait.. wait.. wait a minute...

I haven't done my assignment!
Shit!!!! Aaarrgggggggg!!!!!