
Curryegg's Spicy Lounge

You heard me?

Curryegg's Spicy Lounge is coming to town!

Isn't that sounds HOT!!!

Or..... 'weird'?
*threatening tone*

Well, it's an idea from my friend, Chang Lun to use this Curryegg's Spicy Lounge title for my banner. I did tell him that I'm kinda boring with the title Curryegg.Com. Maybe it's too common in which you can see lot of people are using dot com in blogosphere. And maybe it's because of my blog is not a dot come but a blogspot.

So, I wish to change my blog name
(Should I or not should I?)

As a result, he designed a banner for me and right now, I'm using it as you can see. Ahww.... It's so cool! He's using the curry leaves and egg. Look at the effect. It brings out the spiciness of my blog. Lol...

Thank you Chang Lun for your lovely effort. It's really nice of you for designing a cool banner for my blog. Thanks~

Sometimes, I do feel lucky for having this blog and an account in Facebook. Yeah. Including Facebook. Well...why? I get the chance to bump into nice-happy-people who are friendly and willing to help whenever I'm in trouble. Besides, I get to learn a lot from these people from the way they perceive things, their experiences, the way they love and hate things, their hopes and etc.

I love meeting new people and making friends. Of course, I mean to those who know how to respect and accept whoever I am.

To all my friends.... this is for you..
My big bear hug!


Thanks for being my friend. I guess I shall write more interesting post for my readers starting by today. How about something spicy? Lol....

Oh ya... what do you think about this Curryegg's Spicy Lounge title?
Do let me know your comment... ;)