
Steamboat Equal To Luk Luk?

Still remember my previous post about "I'm The Luk Luk Queen?"
Maybe some of you have never heard of luk luk especially if you're not a Malaysian. Don't worry. It's OK. When you come to Malaysia, you will see a lot of luk luk stall around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia area.. :)

This time, I will bring you to the world of 'steamboat'! It's my favourite after 'luk luk'. There are two types of soup flavour. You can pick either the plain soup, 'tom yam' (spicy) soup or even BOTH! Of course, tom yam is my favourite choice but too bad, there was no 'tom yam' flavour for the new steamboat shop I went couple days ago. Nevermind.

So this is how the Malaysian Chinese steamboat looks like.

The raw ingredients for 2 persons
'Mi Hun', dried 'Yee Mee' and egss...

This is how the steamboat looks like. It's easy as A-B-C. Just put in all the ingredients into the hot, boiling soup in the pot and wait for few minutes. Once they are cook, the meal is served.

This is one of my favourite mushroom. I love it! Yum yumm... ;D

Well, curryegg without something spicy for her meal is a bit unusual. So, this spicy 'sambal' is a must for her!

Of course, she will never forget her Chinese tea. This is a way to reduce the spiciness on her tongue. Muahaha.... Too bad, the image on this photo is unclear. Sorry for that.

FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)

What's the differences between luk luk and steamboat?
They're almost similar accept there are 3 kind of difference sauces for 'luk luk' whereas there is only once (sambal) for steamboat.

Which one is better?
Luk luk. Hehehe....

Next time, I want to try 'satay celup' in Malacca and 'fried luk luk' in Sarawak. Yes! My next goals! Haha... ;D

P/s: Joshuaun, Apple and Johnny Kiu, can bring me around looking for 'satay celup' and 'Fried luk luk'?