
You'll Never Run Out Of Idea For Blogging

Recently, I don't blog that often because there is a test for my Psychology Development on this Thursday and I've to start preparing right now. Sigh... I am still under CNY mood.. ;(

Anyhow, there is something I wish to share with you here....

Sometimes I'll feel worry when I blog too often and I might ran out of idea for the following post. As a result, my blog might get dull when there are no fresh, yummy, delicious issues to be discussed and my blog visitors will decrease drastically.
(sob... sad...please don't leave me..)

So, each time I will try to blog something interesting in the hope that my readers will come back again... (Sound like I am doing a small business here... lol... anyone want coffee? or tea?)

I believe some of you've the same intention too, don't you?

If the answer is yes, this post will help you in order to be a creative blogger- where you will never run out of idea for blogging. Just take a few bloggers as examples like Cheeserland, Aronil, Esther, David Cheong, Timothy and Pinkster

Cheeserland (Ringo) can blog anything starting from her nails, garments, food, people and finally about travel which will never bored her readers.

While Aronil, Esther, David Cheong, Timothy and Pinkster who almost hit the Innit most popular post ranking every week. What are their secrets? (wei... can share your secrets? hehe...)

Of course, your idea or issue that you wanna discuss should be interesting (anything that will catch the reader's heart-funny,sad,happiness and etc....) However, it's not easy to get juicy post all the time. You might run out of idea, someday, somewhere.

Sometimes, I will just sit in front of my computer, blank with nothing to blog about. No matter how hard I try to force myself, nothing but I get my wet redish eyes (as a result of looking at the LCD screen for too long).

What should you do if you're facing the same problem as mine?

Tips On How To Get Ideas Instantly For Blogging?

1) Read News
Read some latest news from the website or newspaper. You will get something fresh and can blog something related to it. (Remember to put in your point of view. Don't just copy and paste!)

2) Read Magazines
Besides newspaper, try to read magazine instead for example: Cleo, Cosmopolitan, National Geopraphic and etc... There are always interesting topics being highlighted in the magazine in which may be useful for your blog.

3) Read others blog.
Sometimes, reading others blog will give you plenty of ideas spontaneously. If this happens on you, remember to link the blogger's related post in your post to make your blog interesting. Besides, it's also known as 'blogger-courtesy'. This shows that you're showing your respect to other's ideas. (example: I realize that 3point8 did this. Good..)

4) Travel.
I believe traveling will increase one's knowledge and change an individual's perspective as well. And not to forget, you can blog about your traveling moment using photos (just like kennysia and mich!)

5) Play games.
If your mind is blank and have nothing to blog, don't worry. Relax and play some games (either indoor or outdoor games). It's believe that games will help to stimulate and activate the brain. It's preferable to play outdoor games instead of indoor (including Dota, PC games, PS2 games, chess etc...) in order to make your body move. When your body move, your heart rate will increase and this will increase the intake of oxygen from the environment into your body more rapidly. As we know, our brain needs oxygen and it will work well when the quantity of oxygen in our body is high. So, stop that couch-potato life style and start to exercise!

6)Listening to music.
Yes. Relax your mind and don't push yourself too much. Idea will come naturally when you're relaxing.

Yes. You read the write word. Eat. I get ideas whenever I am eating especially something sweet like ice-cream. It's funny but true. Haha... I believe my sweet taste buds on my tongue stimulate my nervous system whenever I take ice-cream. Lol... I believe, as long as I am not in hunger state, I can blog pretty well... True?

will help you in gaining some ideas. Maybe you wanna blog about your conversation with friends, or stranger in your blog. However, please put this in mind that you should ask the person's permission before blogging about the content. ACCEPT: You hate the person and wanna back talk him/her. Lol...

9) Secret Weapon
If the above 8 steps are not effective to you, don't worry. I've my last tips. Always remember this whenever you're too struggling in order to blog something...intriguing. Shh.... this is my secret weapon....

What else better than switch off yourself completely and dream of something? haha.... When you have well rested, ideas will come eventually.
Good luck!
