
Control Yourself, Shopaholic!


I couldn't stop my eyes from looking at those discounts whenever I passed by almost every shop in the hypermarket. They are tempting me and it's hard for me to resist it. I love sales! I love promotion! And I love DISCOUNT!

I feel like spending all my money that I've.
Spend! Spend! Spend! Yahooooo!!!!

There is a 1 month mega sales promotion starting from 1 December to 31 December 2007 in Midvalley and I am going to join it. Why I love promotion?

Well, let's say you've spotted a dress and you know you've fallen in love with it (love in first sight). What has changed your mind in buying it immediately was the 'unreasonable' price. So, you leave it and go away. After a month, you return to the store again and you saw 50% discount for you dress that you love. The prices will be less from RM1200 to RM600! Isn't that you've saved a great amount of $$$?

I have a friend who was so mad when she realised that the blouse that she bought for RM350 turned up to be RM175 on the very next morning. What should I say to her? Sorry? I believe some of you might meet this problem before. HATE IT!!!

Tips For Spending Wisely:
  1. Wait for the sales. You can kindly ask the promoter for the date.
  2. Bring your trusted friends along so that they can give you a good, right idea. Most of the sales promoter (exclude me) will give false comment in order to convince you to buy that unattractive dress. Of course, you should ask yourself whether do you like it? Do you really need it? Is that you really want?
  3. Think twice before having the desire to buy anything. Ask yourself, do you really need it? Once you think, you'll know the right answer.
  4. Don't bring along with too much of credits. Limit yourself. Stop using credits card if you really bad in handling the temptation to buy things. It may safe you from big disaster: Pay the long, rolling bill.. in the end of the month.
  5. Re-use your old stuff. Some of your old stuff might be re-used again. So, don't throw it away and use it. For example old bag or old shirt. You can do some D.I.Y to make them look better. Who knows? It might turn up to be fashionable? *Wink*
  6. Get a rich Boy friend. Haha... Ask him to pay every things for you. Smart uhh? (But I won't use this.. lol... )

Girls love clothes, bags, shoes and accessories and you can't blame me for that. No matter how strong the temptation is, my rational mind is still functioning. I am not a shopaholic. So, you don't have to worry too much on me for over-spending because it rarely happen.. (ok.. I admit...I did over spend before.. And it was hurt..)

They just love shopping.. You know who I mean don't ya?

How about you, girls and boys? Did you save up your money whenever the salary hit your bank account? I hope there is an answer for 'Yes'. Saving will brighten up your future.

Well... In order to save up my money... I think I should just do my window shopping instead... Emmm..... :(