The view is spectacular!!! OH MY GOD!
I will never ever forget this moment of seeing a Moon Dog (or known as paraselene) with my own eyes. Never! It’s such a holly phenomenon that last almost half an hour at my place. I was stunned with the beauty of the Moon Dog phenomena.
Calv called me about 11.50pm, asking me to go out and watch the moon. I was actually watching youtube on a shared clip before making myself to walk out from the house. I was in a questioned mode, wondering what kind of surprises the Moon will bring me again?
Together, we saw this:
10-10-2011 (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
In another 15 minutes time, a plane passed by and I got this ‘super extraordinary’ scenery. Unique~
Notes: Photos taken using my pink-eggie (compact camera) This is called, ‘Rarer than the rare’
And this makes me wanting to sing, “can we pretend that airplane in the night sky like shooting star?” Lol..
Calv has checked information about this phenomena online and he learned that it’s called Moon Dog (almost similar to Moon Ring) from Wikipedia. It stated that it’s an extremely rare phenomenon and it doesn’t happen often (rarer than sun dog). For more info, click wikipedia.
It might be called as a Moon Right. After some researches and readings, I still believe it’s not Moon Ring, but Moon Dog because it’s not exactly a full moon.
Anyway, I feel extremely lucky to be able to witnessed the Moon Dog in my housing area and snapped some photos, while talking on the phone with Calv. The experience is marvelous and romantic. What a goddess moon.
This has reminded me about my previous discovery on the Smiley Moon. That too, happened once in a live time. I am fortunate to be able to get good picture with my same camera. Head over here for the smiley moon post.
So, have you seen it? Do you able to capture it with your camera? There is a friend who managed to capture with rainbow effect. So unique.
Hope you feel as lucky as I am with the best photos I could take =)
P/s: Moon always gives me surprises with her wonders <3