
Ma Lucky Day

I feel absolutely lucky today.


All the traffic lights that I came across with turned into greens.

I got a frontline parking although I was late (and it only left 1 lot).

The rain stopped before I got out from my car.

Children are being good and obedient to my instruction.

Received helps from my seniors.

Hit the daily sales target.

Get first free dinner from the boss.

Back home earlier!!




Have you ever feel lucky before? Is it something like this?


Well, never had I feel any happier than today. Maybe I’m getting used with my work, or maybe I am just lucky today.


Whatever it is, I am happy to have this experience. The feeling of joy, fun and happy =)


I managed to snap a few pictures before we had our free dinner. not a good photos because my hands were actually dirty (even now too). They are covered with oil and paints. So… well…







They are my collegues. They are really helpful and lovely people. Glad to be able to know and work with them. Hope that we will be a good team once I have mastered the skills of teaching.


By the way, this crackers really taste nice with those special sauces. Emmmmm.. nom nom..



It is good to feel lucky once in a while! Don’t you think so? Wait.. or maybe everyday?




I might not be able to blog as often as before because my schedule is so packed. It is because of the 2 weeks of school holiday. So, most of my free time will be filled with sleeps, sleeps, and sleeps.


Now I have realized one important fact when you get into the working life, you will love the word ‘sleep’ and ‘rest’ so damn much!