
The Pity Groom & Team...

Never be a Chinese groom!

If you can't help and still need to be a Chinese groom, then take my advice:

Be Prepared!!!

I just came back from my cousin's wedding in Penang. It was fun! I mean the game of playing the groom was fun! hehe.... Check this out!

My other cousins (the bride's sisters) had been preparing for the games a day before the wedding ceremony.We had a small meeting before the groom and his team arrived. In the Chinese cultures, the groom and his friends need to fulfill some of the missions before getting the bride. So, we couldn't let the groom team to get the bride easily. hehe....

As soon as they'd arrived, we locked the bride room's door quickly and ran down the stairs. They were served with foods and drinks. After the meal... hehehe... SHOW TIME!!!

"Please pick one of this red paper and do whatever it has written", we said cheerful. 11 of us were standing closely to one and another to block the entrance of the stairs.
The groom did as what we had requested. He randomly picked a piece of paper.

Mission 1:
Pluck 80 hairs from the legs.

Guys: " WHAT???!! 80 hairs???", they shouted so loudly.
Sadly, they don't have choice. Either to leave or to do it. haha...

They were discussing....trying to pick the first person to do the task.

We were so kind, borrow them a scissors. haha...

One of the guys was being forced. The camera man even joined us..hohoho.. ;D

Mission 2: Show the word "I LOVE YOU" by using body language.

"Ok. This is easy. them!!!", they replied in relief.

They were so cute... :D

Because of their cuteness, we allowed them to go upstairs to continue another task.

Picking another hard question..

Examining the mission....

Mission 3: Write the word "I LOVE YOU" to the bride using mouth.

Guys: "Uhh??? I never try it leh...", the groom started to sweat.

He did well! He cheated us!

Good job! *Clap hands*

Mission 4: Read the promise in the paper that had been prepared aloud to the bride. Then signed it.

Guys: "Oh no... Everything that have been written are for the advantage of the bride!", they started arguing. Anyway, the groom still didn't have the choice but to read it loudly.

We passed the 'promise paper' to him.

He really said it to the bride. I hope he said it sincerely...

Next, we painted their lips with lipstick, including the groom to leave a kiss mark on the pink paper as a proof.

My cousin did the job.. painting the guy's lips :)

He kissed the pink paper.

Then, they handed the promise to the bride. Wow! Full of kisses.. ;)

The proof

Final Mission: Find the bride's door key in the ice orange juice packets and drink it.

Guys: "What??? Drink it? Did you kill the germs? I'll get sick if I drink it!", they complained.

Searching searching....

Where is the key??

Is this the key??

oH...He got the key! He was wearing the heels for the bride. lovely..


He successfully got her and kissed....

Honestly, the groom and his team were really good in working on the tasks. This was the toughest tasks I've ever seen in my life. haha.... Good job!!! And I hope the groom will treat my cousin well after this. Love her with all your heart. God bless both of you... :D