salaamz everybody!!
so its nearly summer,summer break schools clleges jobs everythings out everyone will get a break and we are all excited right? WRONG!!
naz wont :(
ok lemme start from the begining i wanted to do my english exam early for some reason in a private school now the head lady thought i was smart enough to do it so she gave me loooads of work things that people have been learning all year for me to learn in 4 weeks THEN she made me take an exam people have been preparing for 2 years for me 2 take despite being there only 2 months which means 8 days coz its only on in de weekends and then i actually somehow wonderfuly miraculously passed which means i can tke de exam i wanted to take in november anyways the woman said because i was so good she will pay for my examz in some scholarship thing and then when im done she wants me to work for her as a teacher
which is good i think but then she says because of that she wants me to stay and study in the summer for free to make sure i get the best possible grades so i had to cancel a precious already booked holiday and just go 2 france for 2 weeks in the summer instead
i know that its probably good and worth it etc in the long run but i was really angry at the time like come on i thought people got rewarded for working hard not made to spend their entire summer married 2 the books minus for 2 weeks which i had to like beg for aaagh
i am so not even looking forward to summer
lol i hope you all have great summers and just as f it couldnt get any worse the weather here is inisiting on being perfect and summery
so tempting to tell the books to go 2 hell :P
wish you all the best