my aunty just gave birth to a baby boy this morning mashallah at 11.30 am on the 17th january 2009
lol we dont know his name yet but we are very happy and i wish my lil cousing the best of luck and may all the babies in the world live in peace and prosperity keeping their innocence for ever with the remembrence of their lord Allah who created them and looked after them in the womb and gave them good health and will look after them for ever wallah when i hear about a baby being born all i can think about is the greatness of Allah and i really do pray for all those innocent opressed babies may allah free them once and for all ameen ya rab
anyways am hapi lol :)
please dont forget the babies of gaza and the babies of somalia and the babies of africa and the babies of asia and the babies across the world suffering and fighting wars that are not theirs
fighting for the right of live given to them by Allah almighty to not be taken away from them
never forget them :)