Every mum in this world will stop their kids from taking snack food. Well, including my mum of course.The reason is, "Don't eat too much of junk food. It's bad for your health".Ahhhwww.....Mum will never know how important snack is to us, not only to the children but youths and adults as well. Snack food bring such a great pleasurable sensation to us. That's why we feel happy whenever we have peanut, soft drink, chocolate, sweet and of course Chipster as well!!!Did I just mention
????(a great quantity of love hormone start to stimulate my mind)Yiiiiippppppeeeeeeee!!!!
No one should forget the amazing taste of the Chipster which is made by 100% of imported potato and other ingredients like wheat, soya, traces of nuts, peanuts, crustaceans, sesame, eggs, fish, milk, celery and mustard. Oohh... the aroma, the taste and the crunchy feeling is so tempting.Tell me, who can resist it? (taking another a handful of potato chips into my mouth...)*crunch crunch*I believe some of you have already tried the taste of the Chipster don't you? If you have ever come across with the Chipster website, you might realize that there are 15 ways on how to heighten the enjoyment of Chipster better. I've tried some of the suggestions and have even invented by my own. Lets see...1) Peanut Butter sandwichPeanut Butter with Chipster!
????(a great quantity of love hormone start to stimulate my mind)Yiiiiippppppeeeeeeee!!!!
No one should forget the amazing taste of the Chipster which is made by 100% of imported potato and other ingredients like wheat, soya, traces of nuts, peanuts, crustaceans, sesame, eggs, fish, milk, celery and mustard. Oohh... the aroma, the taste and the crunchy feeling is so tempting.Tell me, who can resist it? (taking another a handful of potato chips into my mouth...)*crunch crunch*I believe some of you have already tried the taste of the Chipster don't you? If you have ever come across with the Chipster website, you might realize that there are 15 ways on how to heighten the enjoyment of Chipster better. I've tried some of the suggestions and have even invented by my own. Lets see...1) Peanut Butter sandwichPeanut Butter with Chipster!
OMG! The taste is so yummy.... My my.... ;D
2) Cabbage+Tuna+Carrot+Mayonnaise+Chipster!!!Ohh my... this is the 'Yummiest' taste I've ever had with Chipster! Isn't this sounds healthy... Mum? Hehe....My friend, Kit Yen -my modal.
Ever since Nuffnang announced about the "I Sleep Better With Chipster"competition, Chipster has been staying with me and it's hard for us to live apart right now.See....Preparing to class.....
Once reached the class....Party time....!!!Shhh..... Keep this as a secret... please....
I even acted so crazily whenever I saw Chipster!Even when I was driving.... I did this..!(Children at home are not encourage to learn this.. lol)Yiipppppeee!!!I am so excited!
Whenever I get frustrated with the University Malaya wireless connection....Chipster save my day!Cool down.... take it easy curryegg...
Yes! Chipster do make my day brighter... ;)
I couldn't even resist the temptation of having my crunchy Chipster when I was doing my mask, a day before the prom night...However, jealousy and competition will sometimes happen around me when Chipster and I keep on being together.When I just had the one and the only one packet of Chipster with me, competition will happen between me and my course mates.*Sob....*Even my dad stole my Chipster away from me!Sob... ;(
What will be the solution?Buy more Chipster and share with them!Haha...*Peace*
Since then, I have the habit of keeping Chipster besides me all the time even when I am sleeping.Snow white?
Nop... Should be the Sleeping beauty...Muahahaha... zzzZZZZZ
To my amazement, I can sleep wherever I am if only if there is/are Chipster besides me:Even during in the lecturer hall...
My sofa....
My roommate's bed...
My course mate's bed....And of course... and my own bed... ;)
Chipster has always made my sleep sweeter and better...Aiyaya....Did I write "I Don't Sleep Better With Chipster" on my post title??Ridiculous! How can I make that mistake?Ooopss... I'm sorry.Typo error.....I DO SLEEP BETTER WITH CHIPSTER!!!!
Did I just hear someone request me to prove the statement?Of course...Curryegg wouldn't lie....Watch this and don't blink your eyes...Sleeping soundingly...
Is she dead?Lol....Choi! She just 'tidur mati'...Muahaha....
......Nothing Else Matters....