I haven’t blogged for nearly 2 MONTHS! How possible can it be? I have never abandoned my blog these long. Are you guys still with me?
No wonder I feel something is missing until I return to my blog and start blogging on this very new page. I miss this quiet corner of mine. I haven’t done a proper reflective moment ever since I participated in this Teach For Malaysia training program at Institute Aminuddin Baki at Genting since early November. And now, I am longing for one.
My life is now on a fast lane. Learning and executing what had been learned need to be done at certain period of time (before next year). Everything is planned accordingly in an effective and meaningful way. It is a hectic schedule and I am under pressure and stress. But the good thing is, we have fun time that can balance up our fast lane life here.
Besides, the power of collaboration among the 50 fellows here are incredibly awesome. We helped and support each other every morning, every afternoon, every night and midnight since the first day of TFM training. Not to forget, the supportive TFM teams behind the scene in trying very hard to keep our lives here as happy as possible.
A photo of me with Brian who is sitting beside me (now). Similar shirt!
I would love to write more but it is 12pm now. I should keep my Cultural Management and Lesson Plan going before next class at 1.30pm. We were being informed that there will be a surprise party tonight and it will be the most unforgettable moment for all of us. Emm… I wonder what could it be?
Well, I shall check it out later.
P/s: Christmas is around the corner and I had already received a present from my secret Santa. He/She says I am a good girl and thus, I have a present. Weeeeeeeeeeee….. However, I still don’t know who my Santa is… @_@
P/s/s: Btw, my camera has been robbed. No more latest photos at the moment T.T