I have always wanted to make a ‘grand opening’ for this new chapter of my life by finding the BEST inspiration, BEST time and BEST words to share this piece of amazing news. I took almost a month and it seems that BEST thing of never will happen when action is not taken. So, I screwed my perfectionism (again) and bringing out my adventurer side instead.
So, this is my news my dear readers. I know you have been waiting for my blog update for a very long time. I truly understand. But then, I don’t know how to deliver my excitement in words now. Probably, a long drum roll makes the trick?
*drum roll* *drum roll* *trumpet*
Ladies and gentlemen, Ms curryegg would like to announce that she is one of the 50 fellows for Teach For Malaysia and she is currently participating in the 2 months training at the Institut Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highlands. She has just completed her first week of training and feel really excited for the second one!
Yes. You read me correctly. I am joining Teach For Malaysia and I will be a secondary school teacher soon. I know what is playing in your mind now. You must be questioning, “What is Teach For Malaysia?”, “Why a teacher?”, “What does a fellow in Teach For Malaysia do?”, “Why not be a counselor?”
I will write more in the coming post on what is Teach For Malaysia and why I Teach For Malaysia as I need to sleep by now. There is an important meeting in the morning and I have to get a good rest.
You might be interested to find out more what is Teach For Malaysia before I share more on the reasons why I join this 2 years program.
See you :)