My brain is still playing actively on yesterday incident.
My heart is still soaring. I can feel that it is aching inside. No wonder I was so moody in this whole afternoon.
Yesterday was my Acting class final exam (like I have told you before in my previous post). It was an outdoor test in which, every student have to make their own story, find setting and people, then act spontaneously on that selected scene.
I was in a group of 3 and they are Kit Yen, Rani and I. We had planned things weeks earlier and even managed to practice it together for several times. Seriously, it was a real stressing moment for many of us, especially the Counseling students. Maybe it is because of we are aware that we aren’t as good as the Performing Art student. Well, you will have to watch them acting to get what I mean here. They are professional!
Aileen, me, Ilyana, Bei Shan, Rani, Kit Yen and Meng Zhen
Whereas, me… there are still rooms that need to be improved. lol.. tipu-tipu je, boleh lah..
Anyway, yesterday was a fun, exciting day for me. Firstly, it was because of I am going to act a character which is challenging – being a fussy, proud rich girl. I wanna make it like a total Sharpay Evans from High School Musical. I don’t know how it turned out during in the test. Bei Shan (who was being forced by me to come) told me that I didn’t act as drama as it supposed to be – a histrionic girl.
The feeling of acting in a real scene with strangers, classmates, lecturer and friends around is totally different compare to practicing in a closed, familiar room. It’s like.. whoooaa~
Anyway, I still managed to focus in my character and the story and had done my very best. Weeeeeeeeee… Curryegg has beaten down her fears again!
Secondly, I was excited with my dramatic appearance. I had dressed up like real rich girl, with dress and shoes that look expensive. Not to forget a dramatic make up and hairstyle. Here are some photos of me, see…. =)
I wouldn’t have look that great if without June, Bei Shan and May help. June and Bei Shan accompany me to shop for accessories, May give me suggestion via webcam at midnight and June again gave me that gorgeous look.
Yoyo, Rachel, Me and June
I bugged her early in the morning, 8.30am (by appointment) to help me with make-up before the test begin at 10am. She took 1 hour and 5 minutes to finish everything, professionally. Wow! Frankly, I am impressed with her masterpiece (on my face).
As a result, I couldn’t stop myself from cam-whoring. Of course I should camwhore more or else I will feel sorry for everyone. Lol.. excuses.. =P
Oh ya. I was wearing fake eyelashes for the very first time. The good news is, my eyes get bigger and I have double eye lids! The bad news is, I could hardly open my eyes because they are heavy… =_=
Thank you girls! You have really helped me a lot and you are part of the success! Love you girls, muackksssxxx… =D
Finally, the fun moment is because of, I can finally have a group pictures with my Acting Class classmates and the lecturer. Isn’t that awesome? I have been waiting this moment for agesssssss…
I know, if I don’t grab this chance, I might not be able to meet all of them again in future because the class is over, except if I still wanna further my acting class experiences in next semester. This class is big and I never get the chance to know everyone of them. Isn’t that sad? Sigh..
Well, I will have to rely on Facebook to help me connect with them in future. That’s the beauty of Social Network in the internet, right? =))
I have gained a lot in this Acting Class. It has built up my confident, my understanding with my true-self, widen my circle of friends, be more expressive, be bold and love God even more. Yes, talking about God, I feel thankful for everything that God had planned for me.
Kit yen and me
If Kit Yen didn’t suggest me, if I didn’t listen to my instinct and if I didn’t sign up for Acting class, I wouldn’t have known how an Acting Class will look like. And I wouldn’t learn what I have learned in this whole semester. If God didn’t open my heart and mind, I wouldn’t have go so far. Thank God.
After writing this post, I feel like being a drama queen again. How about tomorrow? Or coming tomorrow? I wanna be a histrionic egg!
Can I? *shake shake*