Salaamz EveryoneI would like to tell you all something, about me and my family that i probably didnt tell before, and because i want to write it down, and want to remember this day or yesterday for ever, until im old and grey or whatever so here it is.My Dad Allah have mercy on his soul, died, when we was younger and he married twice, anyways while he was alive he had 4 children Mashallah, they are me and twin sister and older bro Naz, Amal and Hmoudi (with my mum), and the other Lady gave birth to a daughter called Myriam but after my dad died we never saw her or her mother or her family again, (since we was 5 years old)- thats nearly 15 years ago , we tried to contact them but her family move, alot my family move alot,my dads family, they are not that great at keeping in contact but whats worse is, my mothers family are pretyy well off money wise and my dads family (the ones in somalia), are the total opposite of that, so even though i kept in contact with my grandma , she wouldnt be able to tell us where my sister was. We did always think of her but we honestly thought she probably doesnt even know we excist unless her mum told her about us, or she remembers seeing us when she was 5.Anyways aparently she kept in contact with one of my uncles (dads half bro), all those years who lives in denmark knows my number, and has never once ever called us, even though we call him and his wife tells us hes always 'sleeping', or out, until we stopped calling him, she asked him to tell her where, we was and to give her any sort of contact number to call us from, and he said he doesnt even know what country we live in (lies).Anyways, the other day i went to the Masjid, to pray and listen to a lecture, and everything, and a lady stopped me at the mosque who ive never seen before, she said to me as i walked past her"whats your name?" and i said "huh?" and she said"hi my name is ....., whats yours", i was still confused but i was like "my name is naz"(whatever naz is short for) and then she smiled and said "your second name?" i was thinking should i tell a random person that? and then i was like whatever "Naz (,,insert second name)" and then she hugged me and started crying and was like "you look just like him" (i was soo confused), so i hugged her back and said to her back and was still confused, she let me go and stared at me before saying "im your aunt, your dad hes my cousin, i miss him so much im so glad to meet you", i said "oh" and then she explained properly, to me, how she went to somalia and my grandma heard she was there and wanted to contact us ( we lost contact with grandma after my dads bro died and she moved, 2 years ago), because she heard my mum had a baby and wanted to give some letters and stuff to anyone who was going to europe who can maybe find us. She gave me my grandmas contact details some letters and a parcel from my grandmother and i couldnt stop crying, i went home and showed my mum and my sister and my bro and my other grandma, and my auntie (mums sis) was there my cousins and everyone was crying, we got to call our grandma after 2 years last time we spoke to her was when uncle died.Grandma was soo happy i couldve died i was so happy, she told us she was fine and where she was living and everything and how she was glad she found us, i cant beleive we ever lost touch, we did look for them though my grandma even went to somalia (my mums mum), she told us she couldnt walk anymore though because she is so old, and that she would pray for our studies to go well, that we remain good Muslims everything , i think it was like the best day of my life.She told me "your sister has been looking everywhere for you, she even went to a different country to try and find you guys, or anyone who knows anything about you, she will be so happy if you could contact her, or give her your number", so we did , give her our contact details and took theirs, my mum sent my grandma money and gifts ,that day and we tried to call my sister on the number they gave us but it was a wrong number.We called again yesterday and asked for their number, and my grandma gave us a wrong number again, she was missing a few digits and my mum randomly tried some random digits and someone picked up , i was happy it was a somali person before realising "duh its somalia", then my mum was like "Heloo is that Myriam?" and the person was like "yeah" and my mum couldnt beleive it so she repeated that three times and the person was like "yeah its myriam" and my mum was like "Myriam (insert second name)?" and the person was like "yeah" and me and my sister were literally jumping up and down and holding on to eachother so tight, Amal was about "this close to taking the phone off my mum" and we was trying not to scream, my mum was like "Myriam, im auntie ........, your sisters are dying to speak to you". she was so shocked she was like "my sisters? Naz? Amal?" shes about the same age as me and amal.And then we talked, and cried and tried to summarise our life, into a phone call, she told us she wanted to come europe and to see us, she would love to be somwhere we was, and everything and then my mum was crying by then, and we talked to her mum, and everything exchanged emails and pictures, promised to stay in touch and my mum, is trying to sort out a 'family reuninon visa', please pray for us, please pray we get to see eachother again, she said theyre my only siblings from my dads side, pray they accept the Visa request, pray for my grandma and my family and for all of us and the Muslim Ummah :)ThankyouNaz :)xxI love my sisters and I love my brothersAmalMyriamMuhammadHamid<3 for ever