Modern Hairstyle Trends presents Modern straight Hairstyles 2010Modern straight Hairstyles photos of great celebrities are here for you:
I just realized that there are a number of Virgo babies who are in my friend list. New friends like Cynthia, Rachel, Kit Yen, Jason, Pei Saan and Zambri were born in the month of late August and September. Look like the Virgo babies are ruling my social contact as they are another long list of old friends who are Virgos too.
Haha.. And guess what, majority of my Virgo friends are female. So… I wonder, will the guys feel slightly uncomfortable when they first learnt that they are categorized as the Virgo babies since the name Virgo is originated from the word virgin or maiden which sounds more like a female?
Emm.. any Virgo guy can answer this?
Anyway, it is just zodiac and it has nothing to do with the name either it is feminine or masculine (like Taurus, Scorpio and etc), right? I used to read horoscope a lot, back in my teenager life as I was amazed with the accuracy in fortune reading. Well, not anymore now when I learnt that future is always in our hands. It depends on how much we have worked in our present moment and how well we have planned for the future.
So, back to our September baby, few weeks ago, I had attended Jason’s birthday party (yang ke-22) in a classy Japanese Restaurant, Sushi Zanmai. Believe it or not, I had been longing to go there, like months because I always receive good comment about the food (which always made me mouth watering. Emmm….). Yet, the attempts to visit this restaurant failed due to certain reasons.
Going to Jason’s Birthday Party at Zanmai is like my dream comes true. I could join Eric’s friends, celebrating Jason birthday for the very first time and to try the food I have been hoping for. Thanks Jason for inviting me. It is really nice of you.
There is one thing I hate to do: Food blogging. I can’t stand myself pausing, adjusting and snapping food especially when they are ready to be served in front of me. None of my brain cells could work properly when the aroma and the presentation of the food tickling my nose and my distracting my eyes. That’s the reason why I could only snap a few and with blurry image. So, forgive me… :)
My love: Sashimi! Emmm.. Salmon.. :D
We had a lot of fun in that three hours when all of us gathered in a right corner room with 2 large tables. The room was filled with jokes and laughters with Japanese song as the background music which shinned the entire room.
Kok Wei & Makiyo
For the very first time, I had cake with chopstick. New thing!
The new photographers: Kenneth & Kok Wei.
(Jealous wei… –_-)
While others were having fun in the room, I managed to record a short video clip in order to remember the big day of Jason. Guess what, I have come up with this video clip, entitled “The Wasabi War”. How I love the title… :D
Thank you Jason for inviting us. It is such an honor to be there. May your wishes come true.. :D
P/s: There should be a few group photos but since Steve has lost them, sob… no more lu~ Gosh… Now I am feeling hungry again. I wonder when can I go Zanmai again… :(
Not long ago, when my Uncle Khoo came back from United States after attending a flying course, he gave me several surprises. One of the surprises is this:
This tag is to be placed around your bag or luggage. So, when you’ve lost your bag or luggage (especially in the airport) those who are kind and honest will return your belonging to the service counter or contact you straight away. He did tell me that only pilot like him can order and customize this kind of tag from FlightSafety.
Oh dear.. what a privilege I have. Thanks uncle!
It is so sweet of him for remembering me and bought me something real special, for his children as well as me. He is just like my father and I am really glad he always shower me with his fatherly love ever since I was small.
However, there is one thing I can yet to believe is that….. "HE READ MY BLOG!" (Oopss.. controlling my excitement).
I mean, uncle you read my blog!??
I did ask him how did he find my blog and do you know what he answered? “I just type ‘curryegg’ on the yahoo search engine and your website appear”. Wooooww.. My uncle is a high tech savvy man. I didn’t know this until I receive this tags.
Don’t play play ar…
*Tunning into a calmer tone*
Thanks uncle for this lovely gift. By now onwards, I know you are my loyal reader and thanks for remembering my blog URL. It is so nice of you..