Salaamz evryone
how are you? (someone will someday answer tht question :P)
inshallah ihope you are all doing well
ok you know whenever i blog i dont even seem to know what im blogging about just generally write what comes into my head as i go along and sometimes change stuff around ;) i dont suspect this post will be any different
for the last 2 days we all left and stayed in some hotel me my brother and all my other toursit cousins coz the familly we are staying with are moving house and it all got a bit stressful and confusing so we went there and it was soo much Fun because it had a lovely outdoor pool which looks precisely like the one above and a lovely huge park thingy near by so me and my anorexic yet weight obsessed cousin who i havent seen in ages went on loong walks (like 5+hours) long walks on and took some picnic food or went and ate kebabs from nearby kebab places (destroyin the purpose of our walks) but it was still fun coz we got to talk loads and take pictures near the pool and there was another pool with such a great view at the park and for some reason i really love outdoor pools so we just mostly had walks picnics and talked at night and stuff and we came back today when the new house was complete
and although at the hotel i had no computer and i dont like french tv and there was no myrna wa khalil ;( it was soo much better
coz in this house thres too many people its impossible to be in a room by yourself or go anywhere to just think or talk on the phone without massive eavesdropping
and your ears are constantly attacked by noise and arguin children and screaming mums
but anyways its not soo bad aslong as you leave at any given oppurtunity :p
lol so yeah thats all that ive been up2
apart from some random somali guy trying to chat me up infront of my aunty until she had to say
"shes not intrested in you" and then him getting offended and saying "you cant stop her from marrying me if she likes me" while i was too shocked to speak
lol anyways
see you guys later