It is good to be in touch with Art again after that long long break from Dr.D's class. Well, it has only be 3 weeks and I felt like 3 months. How I hope I can be in her class again in next semester or next next semester, or next next next semester. As long as I will have the chance to be with her again, I am happy. (Hmmm... Why do I feel so wrong with this sentence?)
But, sigh. I guess the possibility is low as she already told us that she can't be with us, again. Of course, if only if her application is accepted by the department. So, why not just pray hard and wish for something positive?
Talking about Art, it has reminded me about my secondary artwork. I used to have art classes back in my secondary school when it is a compulsory subject for every lower secondary students in Malaysia (even till now). Knowing that I loved Art so much, my parents allowed me to enroll in extra art classes, out from the school.
Because of their support, I managed to get a good art teacher who encouraged me to emphasize on watercolour work. He knows I love watercolour so much - which is true.
My best artwork. I love this kingfisher so so much.
I love drawing scenery, like this:
Other than watercolour artwork, I like sketching using only pencils and eraser. Emm.... something like this? Haha...
I love this a lot. How cute and lovely.
However, I hate the idea of an artwork being rated with marks or even grade as I believe that artwork shouldn't be rated based on the viewer's perspective but be understood and respected. In this case, the meaning of the art and the creator's hardwork should be taken account. No matter how good or bad a work might be, it shouldn't be graded as every art shows its own meaning and uniqueness.
It is good to look on those drawings again after being kept in the cupboard for years. Sweet memory was dancing around my mind while I examined every piece of my work. I am glad they still look good. Now I feel like producing more.
P/s: There should be more drawings in my collection if only if my school art teacher returns them to me after the scanning for school magazine. Urrggg...